is a strong, memorable brandable name which was averaging about 1,000 hits per day when in use. This domain could be yours!
Premium URL
Quality SEO Rankings
Strong Keywords
500+ Backlinks
I didn't think I'd be able to get this sort-after domain. I made a quick enquiry to Capital Designs and was able to purchase online quickly. My site was also transfered to the new domain with the help of the reliable support team. A massive thanks!
Paul Humphrey -
I found that the name I wanted had already been registered. Luckily it was not in use and was up for sale. Thanks to Capital Designs, I got the domain transferred over to me from the previous owner. I am forever grateful. 🙂
Penelope Mandeville -
Once I paid, a couple of emails were sent back and forth and the domain transfer over to me was fairly straight forward, with no hassle. I'm now the proud owner of the domain I have wanted for my business for a long time.
Hernan Castro-Vidal -
Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team.
Annie Barnes -
You can purchase this domain from here. Once you added the domain to the shopping basket, you can checkout and pay.
From our checkour page, you'll be redirected to PayPal's site. You can choose to pay with your PayPal account, or with a credit/debit card without an account.
We'll need to transfer the domain to your domain/hosting provider. This is where you'll renew the domain in your own account yearly. You can tell us during the checkout in the notes section or by message after you've purchased.
One of the things we'll need to know abour your domain/hosting provider is their IPS Tag. This is needed for the transfer of the domain to your account. You can search for this or telephone your current provider. Email us if you're new to this for advice about setting up your own account..
Once we have the information needed, we'll transfer the domain to your IPS Tag and advice you during the import `{`hase into your own domain/hosting account.
The last phase is where you take over. This is where you employ a web designer or create a website for yourself. Our job is now done. Over to you, and enjoy your new domain and future website.